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[cupid_heading title= »Welcome to Cupid » description= »Fable daycare, preschool, and kindergarten »]
[cupid_icon_box layout_style= »style1″ icon= »fa-book » link= »# » title= »Always innovation » description= »We know academic performance is important because academic qualifications are the passport to accessing a good university. » icon_position= »left »]
[cupid_icon_box layout_style= »style1″ icon= »fa-rocket » link= »# » title= »Pursuing Excellence » description= »We also teach children about basic human values such as honesty, kindness, generosity, courage, freedom, equality and respect. » icon_position= »left »]
[cupid_icon_box layout_style= »style1″ icon= »fa-bicycle » link= »# » title= »Growing by Learning » description= »Learn to celebrate diversity in a spirit of understanding and tolerance and develop a positive regard and awareness of other people. » icon_position= »left »]
[cupid_icon_box layout_style= »style1″ icon= »fa-send » link= »# » title= »Global Citizenship » description= »They are taught the values and responsibilities needed to become active members of the community, something which the modern world is desperate for. » icon_position= »left »]
[cupid_heading title= »Our Cupid Classes » description= »Place that engages each child »]
[cupid_classes column= »4″ item= »4″ show_paging= »0″]
[cupid_gallery column= »3″ load_more= »0″ item= »3″]
[cupid_call_action text= »See Our Kindergarten Photo Gallery! » button_label= »View Now » link= »http://themes.g5plus.net/cupid/gallery-3-columns/ » link_target= » »]
[cupid_introduction text= »We have been educating children for over fifteen years. Our goal is to create a place that engages each child. » description= »By learning about those of differing social, cultural and religious perspectives, young people build their awareness of the role of faith in their lives and in the lives of others. » text_align= »center » el_class= »introduction-center-padding »]
[cupid_icon_box layout_style= »style2″ icon= »fa-tags » link= »# » title= »Activity Rooms » description= »Write a short description, that will describe the title or something informational and useful. » icon_position= »left »]
[cupid_icon_box layout_style= »style2″ icon= »fa-plane » link= »# » title= »Play Area » description= »Write a short description, that will describe the title or something informational and useful. » icon_position= »left »]
[cupid_icon_box layout_style= »style2″ icon= »fa-cube » link= »# » title= »Varied Classes » description= »Write a short description, that will describe the title or something informational and useful. » icon_position= »left »]
[cupid_icon_box layout_style= »style2″ icon= »fa-thumb-tack » link= »# » title= »Music And Art Room » description= »Write a short description, that will describe the title or something informational and useful. » icon_position= »left »]
[cupid_icon_box layout_style= »style2″ icon= »fa-gamepad » link= »# » title= »Full Day Sessions » description= »Write a short description, that will describe the title or something informational and useful. » icon_position= »left »]
[cupid_icon_box layout_style= »style2″ icon= »fa-bullhorn » link= »# » title= »Multimedia Centre » description= »Write a short description, that will describe the title or something informational and useful. » icon_position= »left »]
[cupid_quote text= »Our goal is to create a place that engages each child. » subtext= »Fable daycare, preschool, and kindergarten »]
[cupid_heading title= »Meet our Staffs » description= »Ensure high standards of quality and professional service »]
[cupid_our_staffs type= »list » column= »5″ item_amount= »10″]
[cupid_heading title= »From our Blog » description= »Latest news & event of our schools »]
[cupid_latest_post layout_style= »style1″ item_amount= »3″ is_slider= » » el_class= »cupid-margin-bottom-40″]

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